All analysis is the property of Walter J Burke Technical Analysis (WJBTA) which retains sole ownership of the materials it prepares and distributes. Recipients understand and acknowledge the information provided by WJBTA may not be distributed or disseminated in any way without the express written approval of WJBTA.

WJBTA believes the information and data contained in its notes are reliable, and they are presented on a best-efforts basis, but its accuracy and effectiveness cannot be and is not guaranteed. Analysis and conclusions in the notes are subject to change as new information is provided as market price action unfolds. The notes are presented for educational and informational purposes and are intended to be one input of a multi-faceted investment and trading model. Relying on the notes as the sole input is not recommended. Past performance of the analysis and or the notes is not indicative of future performance.

 The notes are not offers or solicitations of offers to buy or sell securities or a solicitation for money to manage as WJBTA does not engage in money management.